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27 Jul 2024 02:24:48
If we can get Lubi.
Realistically only lb and striker then needed.
3 more ins and that would be a great window in my opinion.
It would be fantastic if we could clear 3 out too.
With what we are buying it seems clear that the threat from midfield has been addressed. Cover at back pretty much sorted.
Maybe Farke has learnt from 1st season failure.
Just need cover for dom. If he gets injured we really are up the creek.
Any rumours other than jebbison?

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26 Jul 2024 20:32:04
The recently released yellow 💛 away kit smashes previous shirt sales records according to official website. No surprise. Thing of beauty.

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26 Jul 2024 22:24:04
What was it 15,000 shirts in twenty four hours, and allegedly Addidas were dead against it from the start as apparently yellow football shirts never sell well.

North of Brazil I guess?

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26 Jul 2024 10:38:08
Harrison-Burrows to blades transfer has gone very quiet of late, I’m not certain we were ever in for the lad, but it’s strange that there has been no news since he was meant to be having his medical? Maybe there was an issue?

Dejan Ljubicic looks an interesting prospect though, another player that’s come out of nowhere, looking at his best bits showreal he looks very good but then so does any player with the right amount of editing over many seasons.

I like the fact that he’s relatively tall for a midfielder as we previously struggled with being bullied in midfield against the stokes and Cardiff’s of this league last season. Especially when Amos was needed at CB.

And apparently he likes to shoot!

Seems a good age, played Champs league and a snip at the £3-4mill range.

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26 Jul 2024 13:31:35
Did he play against us in fa cup cup last season because I can't remember anyone standing out Peterborough that game to he's very player and that's what we need look at for me and obviously more games before and after mot when I look at other teams when we play them that's what I think did trouble us then follow the lad will see.

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26 Jul 2024 14:02:55
I love the way the 49ers do business it’s a nightmare for rumour mill as no one knows What’s going on
But they move for players unexpected and seem to land them quickly great way to do business and to be fair our recuirtment last season and so far this season looks spot on.

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26 Jul 2024 14:09:10
Class I imagine Blades shall formally announce over the weekend. Posh chairman has confirmed a transfer has been done without naming the buying club.

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26 Jul 2024 14:43:43
Not really true at all Berma

The purchases of Rodon, Cairns were reported in media days before they signed. Leeds interest in Bogle all over media for well over a week before he signed

Many of last season signings too
. Kamara deal was reported on for 2 months before he actually eventually signed 😆🤣.

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26 Jul 2024 15:39:39
Think most club officials want to keep transfer activity quiet, it's agents and players that are mainly responsible for stirring it up in the media.

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26 Jul 2024 18:04:50
Didn’t realise Posh chairman had announced that George, strange to wait to make the announcement maybe blades holding a car boot on Saturday to pay the transfer fee!

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26 Jul 2024 18:59:08
Class Announced by him on a radio station further to an identical query posed. Perhaps the Blades are trying to play a psychological game with us since we could also use another LB for Firpo cover?

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26 Jul 2024 04:33:50
George, interesting news regarding 16 year old wonderkid, George Ilenikhena.

He's now moved to AS Monaco for €18m plus €2m add ons.

Great move for him as Monaco have a proven track record of developing young talent. Step up in league and a quality pathway to one of Europe's elite clubs if he performs well there.

Should be a lot easier to see him play this coming season. DAZN and BeIn hold TV rights for the UK.

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26 Jul 2024 08:10:12
Thanks 👍 for the news Dill.

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26 Jul 2024 08:16:53
What you somehow expected Leeds United to sign him? 🤔.

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26 Jul 2024 11:05:47
No mate, I make a list every summer for players I wanna keep an eye on the coming season. Ilikhena is one of them and George mentioned him previously.

Got a separate list for transfer targets.

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26 Jul 2024 13:11:43
Dill you must watch football 24/ 7.

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26 Jul 2024 14:29:12
Most of my spare time 🤣.

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26 Jul 2024 16:22:32
Dill ought to be on the payroll of LUFC. Top scout.

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26 Jul 2024 18:46:39
Dream job, haha. Thanks for the kind words George, mate.

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25 Jul 2024 22:58:58
Trying for Ljbucic, seems like a direct replacement for Kamara, never heard of him but doesn't come with many goals.
We don't seem to be wanting a creative MF, maybe DF sees either Arronson or Rutter in there.
Rutter looks good but not scoring or hitting target enough, if can improve on that then all good.
Like the shouts for Cantwell, but doubt it.
Still think we crave that striker, hope MJ gets his chance but think one more in, would give us a real chance, Cam Archer on loan?

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26 Jul 2024 00:35:36
Did someone say Archer on loan! Would love that.

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26 Jul 2024 01:26:01
wish list of 4 players/ positions (either loans or transfers to bolster team and squad)

1) a left footed LB/ LWB ( Firpo will / might get injured)
2) a specialist CAM ( even with GR and BA in squad)
3) a CF ( definitely need another CF in squad )
4) a goal scoring box to box midfielder

to get top 2 the club needs more goals from more players in squad especially IF Summerville goes ( and we would also need a goal scoring winger too to somehow replace him )

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26 Jul 2024 08:09:52
Absolutely Baz.

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26 Jul 2024 08:35:22
What and no goalie to replace Meslier Baz, have you finally changed your mind about him?

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26 Jul 2024 10:22:04
Not at all OP

a new good or even half competent upgrade goalkeeper to replace ' Le Gash' remains on my wishlist

But when Herr Farke bizarrely gives Le Gash a vice captaincy . one knows he is staying . regrettably.

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26 Jul 2024 10:43:45
If Carlsberg did transfer windows I’d be very happy with,

Anthony Patterson Gk
Burrows LB
Dejan Ljubicic CM
Gabriel Sara ACM/ Forward
Loan in Jebbison or Archer but that could be January

But this is only a Carlsberg dream window 😄.

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26 Jul 2024 12:18:25
Great choices class. If only Carlsberg did beer too……. 😬🥴🤣.

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26 Jul 2024 14:04:55
Is carlsberg did beer it probably would have a better rep than carlsberg!

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26 Jul 2024 14:30:39
Class list that, Class haha. I definitely approve!

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New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

25 Jul 2024 20:11:14
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new podcast entitled, New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

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25 Jul 2024 19:47:30
All this talk of a goal scoring, Attacking Midfielder when all we need is to teach Gino to shoot straight. Amazed that a man who can beat 3 players with ease cannot finish?
Sort that out and we are definitely going up.

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25 Jul 2024 20:06:16
Totally agree Leo, if only his shooting matched his other skills. Hopefully a big improvement this season.

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25 Jul 2024 20:14:05
Didnt you say that last year Leo.

No we need as many goals from as many different players as possible to go up!

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25 Jul 2024 21:25:04
Leo I've explained previously why Gio struggles in front of goal. It's because his running gait is very angular and agile which enables him to go past players like they weren't there. Not easy to switch back to a more orthodox position for a clean strike on goal at that pace. In time he'll master it and then you've got an £80M player on your hands. I predict him to have a 9/ 18 g/ a season. He's a cracking player. Something Orta actually got right for once.

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25 Jul 2024 21:53:53
You're right Leo. If he could target and had the confidence to keep going even if he missed, he would be a world class player.

Georgi is my favourite player to watch. Squiddly diddly with a football.

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25 Jul 2024 14:31:23
Baz EPL Sack race nominees this season

Nuno at Forest

Dyche at Neverton


Martin at Saints

Dark horse
Maresca at Chelsea.

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25 Jul 2024 15:58:12
Cooper Leicester with their points deductions for breaking the rules.

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25 Jul 2024 16:08:33
Martin just signed a new contract didn’t he?
Defo Cooper, and impatience at Florists puts Nunez right up there. Maresca no outsider if Chelsea don’t perform from the word go. These 3 are my choices.

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25 Jul 2024 16:16:29
Nah OP . points deduction nowt to do with Cooper . they will stick with him come what may . this season.

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25 Jul 2024 17:17:09
Even if they are in the relegation zone come Jan/ Feb Baz?
I doubt it very much, unless they want to be a yo-yo club.

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25 Jul 2024 17:22:53
Nuno must be top of this pile.

I’d go with Dyche at Everton - but hopefully not too soon, as I want them so much in the mire that no matter who takes over will have no chance of pulling them out of it.

And then Ten Hag, for the same reason as Dyche and Everton but only more so!

Not so much a 1,2,3 more of my favourite to win the race followed by my ultimate wish list:)

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25 Jul 2024 17:34:55
Don’t think Tent Peg will be on the block this season. End of season or next for me on him.

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25 Jul 2024 17:35:24
Trust Baz the Oracle 😎.

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25 Jul 2024 18:11:47
Howe (ay man)

Needs to put it together this season. They stuck by him because of the injury epidemic they had, but they underperformed last season.

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25 Jul 2024 18:20:11
Martin at Saints. He got lucky that he had us in the play-offs.

After that Cooper at the end of the season when Leicester get relegated again.

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25 Jul 2024 20:33:21
That's not a bad shout Dilli.

There's always a shock announcement, never the person you thought it would be.

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26 Jul 2024 00:15:11
Agree dill. But like Howe so my wish list for sake is
Dyche as cleggy says when it’s too late.
Ten hag. Anytime is fine. Then appoint fat boy lol.
Martin. When it’s too late.

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26 Jul 2024 04:15:28
Anyone else read it in a Geordie accent? 🤣.

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25 Jul 2024 13:15:34
Reportedly LUFC 💛💙🤍 has had a £3.3M bid rejected for FC Koln Austrian international midfielder Dejan Ljubicic.

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25 Jul 2024 14:35:46
Offer them £3.5 million plus Meslier 😆🤗

But in all seriousness do we really need him?

Can we have a goalscoring Lee Bowyer mf type please as that type of player is what will really help Leeds achieve top 2!

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25 Jul 2024 16:00:03
Baz Reportedly confidence high we'll succeed in the acquisition. We could use one more midfielder. Don't forget the following to factor in.

1. Injuries
2. Suspension
3. Loss of form
4. Ethan possibly having to return to defence
5. Fixture congestion
6. Lethargy, depression ensuing from international break fixtures

Bowyers don't grow on trees btw.

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25 Jul 2024 16:10:41
Just what we need. Someone starting scraps in MacD’s and assaulting people outside nightclubs. Seriously tho, very good B2B player indeed, but a potentially horrible person at the drop of a hat.

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25 Jul 2024 16:19:41
Yep fair enough one supposes George 👌

But Ipswich found it easy enough to recruit central midfielders that actually created and scored goals . that was a fair part to their promotion clincher over LUFC!

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25 Jul 2024 17:14:20
Baz 🚜👦👦 have McKenna as coach. He's destined for the very top of the game. Provided they retain him (sure they will this season) , I do not see them being relegated in 2025.

My current thoughts for EPL relegation are ⚜️⚜️ 🦊🦊 and 🐝🐝.

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25 Jul 2024 17:22:55
Bowyer was one of my favourite players of that era. Pity there's there's no one out there of his class. All sorts of memories particularly his very late goal in the European championship. One of the best nights at Elland Road for me.

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25 Jul 2024 17:36:40
Agreed Hess
Great player Bowyer .

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25 Jul 2024 19:05:47
Amazingly with the court case hanging over him, Bowyer played arguably his best football. The reverse happened to Woodgate who seemed badly affby the goings on.

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26 Jul 2024 00:17:07
Ipswich have got as much chance at staying up
As mancs have of winning the league. Zero.

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26 Jul 2024 02:21:11
lmao what is it with posters ( Ani, Berma, Aus etc ) getting it soooo wrong in erroneously dismissing little ole Ipswich.

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26 Jul 2024 06:57:22
Dead easy Baz; you should know how easy it is…look how much you get wrong!

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26 Jul 2024 09:20:58
Aus, what forfeit will you perform if Ipswich evade relegation from the EPL this season?

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26 Jul 2024 09:44:21

Aus should have an Ani tat ( and vice versa ) for their forfeits!

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25 Jul 2024 09:50:42
One thing I will say is if Mr Rothwell pings those corners in with such accuracy we could be in double figures from corners by Xmas.

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25 Jul 2024 11:08:16
Todd Cantwell wants to leave Rangers, I wonder if he wants to be reunited with DF?, stranger things have happened and Cantwell would Be the CAM we desperately need, what’s your thoughts gents? . 🤷🤷.

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25 Jul 2024 12:04:11
🪵y Tell him to take the M74 if he wants out of Glasgow.

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25 Jul 2024 12:15:53
Definitely Woody. Worked well under Farke before. Good player.

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25 Jul 2024 16:11:35
Saw that, and thought the same thing Woody. Wonder what has happened in Glasgow?

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25 Jul 2024 19:23:06
In terms of finances Brighty it’s claimed that he could be bought for €6.5M - €8M and Cantwell's current wage being £25,000 per week, this is definitely not out of our reach is he and I think he’s a decent shout and he’s better than O’Hare, that’s imo only though gents 👍.

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