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09 Jan 2024 06:50:09
FA Cup Final Saturday 25 May
Championship Play off Final Sunday 26 May,
Interesting ?.

Agree3 Disagree0

09 Jan 2024 07:10:22
Could cause fixture congestion for us?

09 Jan 2024 09:59:07
Bufoonery? skullduggery? or probably both from the FA.

09 Jan 2024 10:47:22
Championship Playoff Final.
We're going to nick 2nd spot
Keep the faith boys and girls, we've another half a season to go.

09 Jan 2024 11:02:50
at least it saves us having to make the journey down south twice.

09 Jan 2024 11:57:43
Less than half a season remaining Leeroy bud

Just 43% of games remaining ( 20 out
of 46 )

And Leeds

17 points behind 1st
7 points behind 2nd
( and 4 points behind 3rd )

Of the 60 points remaining available LUFC need imo to accumulate minimum 48 more points for even a chance of 2nd

So must minimum Win 15 draw 3 lose 2 .
Top 2 therefore looks very unlikely imo with this squad unless signings are made.

09 Jan 2024 12:57:09
Love it Leeroy and Alf. Funny. ?.

09 Jan 2024 16:37:21
Be more positive Baz, average points since 1995 to gain auto promotion is 87-88 points, so 13 wins would do it :) .

Forget Ipswich, they're gone, it's us and Southampton!

. well I hope!

09 Jan 2024 19:38:24
'Ipswich have gone ' Ani? Sounds more than a tad arrogant and a totally illogical Ani-ism on your part.

Ipswich have played 26 games and apart from Leeds United only ONE other club in the entire league has managed to beat them ( West Brom away . which Leeds also lost to)

Have Ipswich lost 3 away games in 4 most recently as the " mighty" Leeds have done? Have they heck Ani.

Sorry but BOTH Southampton and Ipswich more likely to finish above Leeds as things currently stand.

09 Jan 2024 20:31:40
We’ll see Baz…obviously it is a fact that they are more likely to finish above us, but that doesn’t mean they will.

Anyway…if you read my post, it was my “hope. ”.

09 Jan 2024 20:52:51
Forlorn hope.

Ani so what happened to your 7th place prediction for Leeds? Its now changed to 2nd?

'Ipswich have gone" would be a great motivational tool for the tractors.

09 Jan 2024 21:42:52
Probably worth noting that Ipswich haven't won in 5 games, Baz. Their form is certainly dipping.

09 Jan 2024 22:43:52
Dill and Ani
Ipswich last 10 games
Won 5 draw 4 lost 1

Leeds have lost more in their past 4 matches!

' Leeds have gone '?

09 Jan 2024 22:53:45
Hey Baz…nope; it’s called being hopeful. Catching up 7 points in 20 games is no big deal, given Southampton have gained 12 points on Ipswich in 6 games?

You don’t seem to have a problem creating scenarios for promotion, e. g.

“If we don’t win 16 games…, ” . ” if don’t buy a new (insert playing position) , ”. “. if Farke doesn’t do this…” They all contradict your forecast of 6th. (Which you say won’t get us promotion) .

Your prediction was not to get promoted, but you never stop telling everyone that we have to get promoted this season; bit contradictory?

10 Jan 2024 01:22:46
Your last paragraph makes zero sense Ani
Yes Leeds must get promoted not to lose best players but don't think they will . nothing contradictory in that at all.

10 Jan 2024 03:57:10
We've also gained more points than Ipswich over that 10 game period too, Baz.

10 Jan 2024 04:08:23
We've gained 3 points on Ipswich in these last 5 games too, fwiw.

Saying Ipswich have "gone" may be a little reductive, but I agree that it's Southampton we should worry about more. Ipswich are demonstrably faltering and the form guide shows that recently.

7 points gained on them is definitely achievable for us, all things considered.

10 Jan 2024 05:51:29
“As current things stand”……. the definition of obvious!
That’s the phrase I’ll pick up on; of course they are “as current things stand”. League positions etc. but that’s now, not May.
The only team who may not “have a blip”, are the Foxes. That ain’t a prediction, but a worry. They may yet set an all time points record.
The others have dips to come for sure. Hopefully, we have come thro ours now! Still everything to play for.

10 Jan 2024 06:30:44
No Brighty wrong ; not just league positions but as things currently stand re team/ squad weaknesses Brighty . Leeds have weakened theirs jettisoning Spence ( whatever the back story) .

Anybody thinking Leeds are getting promoted with Firpo and Shack as full backs has NOT got a scooby doo.

10 Jan 2024 07:12:25
Baz It's an Aneurysm.

10 Jan 2024 08:05:01
Feel free to ignore my factual comments Baz, haha.

All jokes aside, I think most of us know (or should know) that we need to improve on Firpo and Shacks (although I have noted a few times we can *manage* with Gray if needs be) as full backs if we want to get promoted.

10 Jan 2024 08:24:54
Think Southampton had their blip already bright.

10 Jan 2024 08:39:07
Great Baz, since it’s all over and promotion is now impossible according to you, can we assume that you won't have the need to be chirping up every 10 minutes reminding us?

10 Jan 2024 08:46:42
Nice George…as usual.

Bright, since Leicester are probably out of reach ( at this point, we can automatically expect Baz to chirp in with why they are not) , then frankly we want them to sweep all aside (except us) and take points off our competition for second (even now, even when we know that is impossible according to Baz) .

10 Jan 2024 09:03:35
Ani Don't deny that you secretly love my dark sense of humor. I aim to bring levity to Baz and this forum. Btw we are so only going up via playoffs. We'll finish 4th and no higher.

10 Jan 2024 12:06:18
I won't lie, would be class going up via the playoffs. Always a cracking occassion. But preferable top 2 finish, understandably.

10 Jan 2024 13:01:29
Dill facts are Ipswich hsve lost to just 2 teams this season and are still comfortably ahead of Leeds

Ani lad why so pent up lol you hsve Leeds finishing 7th so anything above thag os a bonus.

And please try to engage your little grey cells in stop misrepresenting and misquoting me . you do this a lot . enough.

10 Jan 2024 15:04:43
Baz Last para, big time.

10 Jan 2024 19:50:54
Indeed George.



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