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14 May 2024 09:18:01
Although I don't like saying it because he isn't a goal scorer we are not nearly as good a team when he isn't playing. He provides the cohesion and shape going forward. We papered over the cracks when Rutter was playing well before his injury and Summerville and Gnonto were chipping in. That's gone now. If we get past Norwich on our present form which is possible I don't think Southampton will do us any favours. Expecting them to win their second leg.

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14 May 2024 10:55:01
I assume you are talking about Bamford?
If so yes I agree.

14 May 2024 10:57:18
Assuming you're talking about Bamford, Hess, as you didn't say who, haha.

14 May 2024 11:32:11
Baggies to win at Saints .

PB mentality is a bottler / awol expert for the biggest end of season matches ( 3 seasons in a row) . He is and would of be of little to no use for playoff matches.

Farke needs to be fricking " brave " / wise and play MJ . give him much more game time in play offs.

14 May 2024 11:38:37
I wholeheartedly agree if its Bamford, I have said this all along, he is needed in our current set up, and a huge loss. He is marmite, and I like marmite, but even those that don't should at least agree his is a huge loss to us at present.

14 May 2024 12:30:56
Baz I agree with you 100%.

14 May 2024 13:28:30
That’s ridiculous Hess.
Let’s fill the team with strikers that can’t score. Midfielders that can’t defend or create. Defenders that can’t defend. And goalkeeper that can’t goal keep.
I know it sounds strange. But I think we play better if we can do that.
Bambi is useless. Let’s not beat about the bush. The man is not NOT a footballer.
Where’s my pills.

14 May 2024 13:49:25
Bamford has missed weeks of training now so even if he does make the final he won't play much part.
I think mj would give us that thrust up front . Piroe or gray behind. I think rutter is done for this season.

14 May 2024 13:51:29
He's a mental midget for sure, but unfortunately he's the best we've got when fit as he helps the team play better. Even if his finishing leaves a lot to be desired.

Need to start Joseph Thursday!

14 May 2024 14:44:57
Indeed Hooksie .

Leeds United played really good football for 90 mins bossing a lot of game against Chelsea with MJ leading the line

(Bamford bench warmed the entire match)

Memo to head wobbling Farke : play MJ.

14 May 2024 14:50:21
Aus that was quite funny for you ☺. albeit hyperbolic re Bamford isnt" useless" and " he is a NOT footballer' .

Go watch Leeds United first season back in EPL 20/ 21 for instance

He has talent, his issues are not playing well under pressure etc.

14 May 2024 15:10:52
Baz, If Patrick Bamford is wearing a Leeds Jersey next season (Whichever division) we are finished. His only talent is holding up the ball and shielding off his marker. Other than that quite frankly HE IS A BLANK! and always out injured.

Don't get me wrong he is a true role model professional for our youngsters and a pleasant and humble person from what I see.

The best ability is availability!

14 May 2024 15:27:11
With Bambi, in a nutshell when on song he genuinely assists our formation but lacks end product for himself when presented with goal scoring opportunities. He lacks the appropriate mentality, panics under even light pressure and is very injury prone. Strikers need to be clinical. He's the opposite. Ironically, we have a fairly clinical in front of goal nondescript type player in Piroe but his all round play is next to woeful. We require a huge rebuild in the summer.

14 May 2024 16:10:18
Agreed Hooksie and George.

14 May 2024 19:16:06
Pretty reductive breakdown of what Bamford offers tbh, Berm.

He holds up well, interlinks play, occupies defenders to allow others space (Cry/ Rutter) , runs good lines off the ball, presses well from the front, and gets himself into scoring opportunities, albeit he is NOT clinical and is a mental midget. Two aspects of his game that do hurt us. The rest he's well above average at, especially with how we play.

14 May 2024 21:22:53
Yes of course I meant Bamford who else would it be. No Bamford then I would play Joseph every time in the current situation.



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