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26 Nov 2023 19:13:02
At another wedding this weekend these things are expensive. Anyway quite a few Leeds fans here and the subject of who was better came up between Hasselbank and Yeboah. Originally I thought Tony but now not too sure.
So who was a better player?

Agree2 Disagree0

26 Nov 2023 22:26:00
Yeboah edges it imo

1) Yeboah an icon who excited me more with his superb unpredictability

2) Very similar goals per game average with JFH for Leeds and a better career goals per game average than JFH.

3) . He could score ALL types of goals. more than any other Leeds United striker/ forward Charles, Clarke, Jones, Jordan, Chapman, Wallace, Cantona, JFH, Viduka etc

There is one goal though that perhaps I can't imagine Yeboah scoring

and that was tbe intricate twists and turns with supreme balance hattrick goal by Mark Viduka against Liverpool.

26 Nov 2023 23:06:12
JFH better all round player imo and performed at a high level for a couple other clubs including European competition so gets the nod for me. Really though, it's a coin toss between the two.

Baz, as for your Duke quattro reminiscing, as I previously once confessed on this forum attending that game got me into a spot of trouble (deservedly) .

26 Nov 2023 23:13:33
Ooo corks what good question.

I'll have to answer in two parts.

If I was a manager wanting a goal scorer for my team then hasselbank. Know what you get brilliant goal scorer all types of goals.

As a fan Tony. Explosive. Unpredictable. A force of nature. His goals versus Liverpool and Wimbledon will be played as long as football is. Just not with us for long enough.

26 Nov 2023 23:36:15
Brother George I am most intrigued. ??. please can you recount said incident . one more time please!

26 Nov 2023 23:40:19
Ben that goal ( part of his hatrick) against Wimbledon was phenomenal

as were his other hatricks for Leeds United (especially the UEFA cup hattrick vs Monaco )

26 Nov 2023 21:38:05
Both great players but different. Hard to say who was 'better'. Maybe ed001 will do a comparison piece for us?

{Ed001's Note - I have added that to the list. Good one alf, those two will make for a good comparison. Two players I used to love to watch, unless they were playing against my team.}

27 Nov 2023 00:52:51
Baz I missed an important family event. The type where someone usually says "I do".

27 Nov 2023 00:58:23
Some players just have that magic don't they baz. Yeboah. Papisse cisse. Demand ba. Lua lua. To name a few. Such amazing and powerful strikers but never really lasted more than a couple of seasons.

{Ed001's Note - Demba Ba had a degenerative knee condition which made it a miracle he played in the Premier League at all.}

27 Nov 2023 04:21:19
George you made the right decision ?.

27 Nov 2023 05:50:07
Baz Thanks ?? bro. Love it. The guilt I felt in advance offset by each of the Duke's goals especially the winner ? which sent me into jubilant unrepentant euphoria.

27 Nov 2023 07:02:08
That was one of the best matches I’ve ever attended!

27 Nov 2023 08:24:56
Thanks Ed I look forward to that!

{Ed001's Note - I hope it lives up to your expectations then!}

27 Nov 2023 08:36:16
Yeboah for me, that goal against Liverpool sticks long in my memory.

27 Nov 2023 11:41:21
ED I didn't know that about Ba. I remember he was injured a lot but never new he had a knee problem.
He did manage to score after the famous Gerrard slip. I think that was one of his last.

I would like to add yakubu and gyan to my list of African finishers.

{Ed001's Note - it was only because Chelsea had so much money they could afford to take the chance. A whole bunch of other teams walked away from a deal because of the risk of him breaking down.}

27 Nov 2023 13:11:01
You got two friends cork?

27 Nov 2023 13:12:27
He wasn't on par with either player, but can anyone remember the wonder volley Doukara scored against Forest (Yeboah esk too)

28 Nov 2023 00:03:55
Good one Aus!



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