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13 May 2024 08:39:33
Reading through the comments and I think although it was a cagey game I think most of us are pleased we kept quite solid and didn't give much away and controlled the game quite well.
It definitely gives us a good platform to build on
I also second some of the comments that Rutter has been very ineffective lately, maybe since the hernia?
I really think when we win the ball back we need to be a lot sharper and quicker with our passes, we gave Norwich time to get back as build up too slow .

I've gone from being a 3 out 10 confidence of beating Norwich to probably a 6 out of 10 now.

Agree1 Disagree0

13 May 2024 09:16:04
Yes mighty I'm fairly pleased after Sunday. In the first half Norwich really pushed and I thought one of those succession of free kicks and corners for them would go in. Second half we controlled more and more. Even looked like we might nick it in the last ten.
And we had ball in the net and rutter and byram air shots could have gone in. So reasonably pleased.

13 May 2024 09:48:00
Yes. Calls to drop Rutter are just and you are right about too slow from the back.
We did control the game mostly and although mez makes me very nervous, I didn’t feel they could score.
Failing giving the game away I can’t really see them being able to beat us.
Keep midfield three. Joseph for Rutter. Jimmy to up his game and job done I reckon.
We were denied a good goal so Norwich fortunate to be on level terms.
Bit concerned about our slack passing creeping in again. Need to sharpen that up.

13 May 2024 13:23:00
Mighty, DF has played slow out the back all season, 15 passes to each other in our own half before trying to go forward. You think it will change now. We started 8 players from the back to midfield that have 2 goals between them. Don't think they are capable of playing quicker.

13 May 2024 13:30:08
Looking at both yesterdays games, you got to be very fearful of reality of going back into Prem

So many positions need upgrades that it will not be financially possible to achieve .

The standard of football in both games was woeful.

13 May 2024 15:16:09
' Very fearful ' Chris? .

Leeds United would at very least be able to strengthen the squad and team for a bottom 6 battle

We all love Leeds to win so it could be another tough watch season . but it's more than feasible to stay up ( just )

Bottom 6 next season likely

Brentford Everton Forest and the 3 promoted teams.

13 May 2024 17:41:38
Agreed Baz, think it will be a struggle if we go up. We need a number of quality players that I think will be too expensive and break FFP. But then, let’s spend £500m, finish mid table and take a 4 point deduction and finish 11th?

13 May 2024 17:51:48
I think we would be battling with Leicester, Forest, Brenford, Southampton, Everton, Wolves and Fulham. I know, I will be castigated, but Ipswich will really struggle more in my opinion, though they could confound again I suppose.

I think with a decent pre-season, with some strengthening, we would be "14-16th" sort of side, perhaps winning a third of our games, 40 or so points, be on the wrong side of a few hidings and perhaps give a few shocks of our own. If we had any kind of form in those last 10 games, that's where we should have been last time.

13 May 2024 18:05:31
Sounds like a good plan MG ?.

13 May 2024 19:01:39
Err Ani my new " Goto Back Up Buddy" a couple of observations.

1) how the heck is it possible BOTH Leeds and Southampton are in EPL next season in your scenario ?

2) So are the Ipswich "Gonners" now going to be known as " The No Hopers" . or perhaps " don't Bother Turning Uppers " ?.

13 May 2024 20:28:53
Typo by me Baz. At least you’re paying attention! .

Ipswich probably will be known as “even worse than the blades”. Let’s be brutally honest, Ipswich should have been no where near the EPL. It’s only our unbelievable capitulation, 4 points from 18 that have got them there. Their defence has been awful, in a dreadful championship…it will be murdered in the EPL. You will be utterly right, “they were a league one side last season, ” and that’s what they’ll look like.

All my opinion of course.



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