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27 Oct 2023 20:07:10
Well siblings, I have to say I am completely bemused. After the Norwich game all was rosy, after the Stoke game, Farke is useless. Honestly, get some perspective. No player, no team, no squad has a right to win a match and cannot churn out their best every time.

What Farke has achieved in such a short period of time is stunning. We don't know what rules his decisions, but Cry has been playing with pain killers for a shoulder injury so I guess needs must. White turns to black in an instant for many on here and I find it imponderable. Get a grip and support the club we love warts an all. It's going to be fine.

Agree5 Disagree0

27 Oct 2023 20:57:59
Supporting Leeds United " warts and all" for nearly 60 years thanks . and there been a fair few warts.

Perspective? Sorry but DF was far from " stunning " in the last match. overall he has done well though.

27 Oct 2023 21:02:40
Well said Vid.

Like everyone else I was really disappointed with the result the other evening but more at the Bamford miss rather than the team selection.

We will lose again this season, hopefully not too many more times but nevertheless we will lose again. We need to take the rough with the smooth and bounce back hard after each disappointing result.

MOT everyone:)

27 Oct 2023 21:37:17
Yes Baz, I have loved Leeds for 51 years now and experienced those warts. But it's the bad times that make the good So good. That's what being Leeds is all about. We are special, we are a family and yes, as in family's we have differences, but the love is still the same. Ask yourself, given the carnage of the summer, are we in a better place? Absolutely and 13 games is a drop in the ocean. Keep the faith, believe, but at the very least we are in a far better place than the last couple of years. ❤.

28 Oct 2023 00:09:22
Good follow up post Vid, final sentence most pertinent especially.

28 Oct 2023 04:11:02
Depends if you think being in champ is better than the prem whether we in a better place or not.
The manager is responsible for the results. Same with any company. If you don’t hire the right staff and they turn out not to perform as expected. The manager cops the blame.
Farke can bask in the glory of Ipswich and Norwich by all means. They were good wins and good choices. Especially the Norwich game.
Equally so the flip side.
His decisions have cost us 6 points I reckon. Not the players. His decisions. And that could be very costly at the end of the day. 6 points I expected t get. Let’s prey we get a good result tonight. I will be on a plane and will have my fingers crossed.

28 Oct 2023 05:11:00
We all love warts, we all love warts.

28 Oct 2023 08:32:54
Good posts Vid, 100% agree.
We are all disappointed when we lose and especially when we play badly (players fault) and miss penalties (players fault) , and possibly the wrong tactics (managers fault) , but the reactions of some have been a tad over the top, but sadly typical of some posters.
I am enjoying this season in the Championship 1000% more than the last 2 seasons in the Premier League getting thumped most weeks, and let’s not forget that Leeds are 3rd in the table, have the 3rd best goal difference and the 3rd best defence (goals conceded) , so it’s not too bad after all the changes.
Hopefully it will go more to plan today and everyone gets it right and we hammer the dog botherers!

28 Oct 2023 09:46:39
After sixty years of warts an’ all Baz you should be used to the trials and tribulations of what is Leeds United. Where we are now is no different from many other scenarios in our football history.
It wouldn’t be a surprise to me if we win the league and get promoted to the premiership as much as however it may seem unlikely that we get relegated to League 1, perhaps not by the football we are playing but by some bizarre court case that arises from nowhere and throws the club into turmoil.
You of all people Baz as a senior Leeds supporter should understand what it means to be a Leeds fan.
It is like no other club.

28 Oct 2023 09:57:27
Well said MG.

28 Oct 2023 10:24:27
This year should be a good year but there will inevitably be bobbles along the way. Surely no one thought we would get through unbeaten? Ups and downs, rough and smooth, so long as come May we are where we all want. Some promotion, some top six, some will be more than happy with an easy top 10. I am in the latter camp. Whilst I would be overjoyed with immediate promotion I feel that the club and DF will take one season to assess and bed in and one (maybe 2) off seasons to fill gaps.
So a good strong showing 23/ 24 but next season is ours.

28 Oct 2023 12:27:42
OP yes

But .

⁶It's just that. I was brought up on the meticulousnous of super legend Don Revie though .

. so the seemingly unmeticulous DF performance against Stoke deeply disappointed.



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