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28 Aug 2014 19:23:36
Being reprted on news now that Hockaday and Lewis have been sacked




05 Jun 2014 19:00:08
Well, if all the reports on NN are to be believed its a 3 horse race on saturday, an I don't mean the Derby. Personally I think Gary Mac would make a great coach, managing was too great a task for him I think, but that's just me ;)


1.) 05 Jun 2014 19:45:09
I think out the 3 rumoured names (Hughton, Hockaday and McAllister) I would go with McAllister although I also think Paul Hart would be a good shout.

2.) Do people really rate gary mac? do I miss something? brought some great players to the club as scout but tactics were off, results were poor and motivation was none exsistant. what am I missing? all I remember is poor league results and our darkest moment with the club losing in first round of fa cup to non league opposition. scout yes anything else no thanks 100's of better coaches out there

3.) Wouldn't want any of the 4 mentioned above. My choice would be a proven young manager ready to step up to a bigger club. Step forward Eddie Howe.

4.) Agree totally

{Ed003's Note - this was in reply to Bermondsey btw.}

5.) We played sexy football under him according to many FL pundits. i'd love to have him back. We were without Beckford that dark dark day remember. He'd scored about 5 that day

6.) All the names mentioned don't seem good enough to me. Gary Mac no, hockaday definitely not, the Eddie Howe shout would be good though. But prob not going to be one of the 3 being seen. If I had to choose of the 3 though it would be Chris houghton! Roll on sat!

7.) 05 Jun 2014 21:00:40
Howe is a manager not a coach and the only place he is proven is at Bournemouth. He didn't set the world light at Burnley.

{Ed003's Note - He was shocking there but to be fair that team that went up was mainly his signings.}

8.) Eddie Howe or Chris Hughton

9.) 05 Jun 2014 21:19:47
So the fact that virtually same squad that Howe had got promoted should tell you everything you need to know about Howes coaching ability!

10.) Didnt realise Macca was a scout for Leeds? Just thought he was a good coach who needed a top defensive coach alonside him to get us up. And how can people say he can't motivate players is beyond me. what are they in the dressing room as well! MOT.

11.) Corkwhite, I was not in the dressing room but I did see what happened on the pitch which was in my opinion, lack of passion lack of disire, lack of skill and lack of basic ideas (how many times did we conceed the same goal under Gary Mac? every time ball was in the air in our box we conceded which would suggest bad coach as well?) loved him as a player and seems a nice bloke but coach? manager? not for me think I could name 100 people I would rather get the job

12.) OK Bermondsey I hear what you saying. Bad goals conceded from coners etc were very poor under Macca for a time but I also remember under Wilko a similar situation when the opposition got a corner a goal was on its way in one particular season. Also think about it. under Bates he literally had no cash to spend. Think Huntingdon as number 1 CB! . It just amazes me some folk seem convinced others are well suited for the job with little or no reason! Howe. done very liitle. Clarke. even less. Hughton or Mackay I could take. But give me an ex Leeds player who knows his stuff. and I believe Macca does. I will take him all day him long. Gary Mc is in the running I believe and is probably the best man for the job as the BOSS wants a British coach and he is, I believe, a good coach. MOT.

13.) To be fair, with Cellino in charge, all 3 will be coach at some point in the season

14.) You make a good point about wilko Corky. I rated wilko as one of the best in the world at that time but I do remember that season (Sadly). I also agree some are bounding about managers with little to back it up. If I was MC (id be very happy) but I would go for Kenny Jacket or Malky Macky. Both know the league both good with money and good coaches and get the best out of the squad. But then I am not a bonkers Itailan who wants to be in charge of signings, which raises the point if his signings do badly will he sack himself as I am sure he didn't sack many managers in Italy so it is not like he passes the blame is it?




vidlufc's banter posts with other poster's replies to vidlufc's banter posts


01 Jul 2024 15:35:21
Good to see business being done early, Roca gone Llorente following, JH could do with a permanent, not keen on the BA return but I guess we will see. With Archie going added to the sales of Sini and Adams et Al PSR should be no problem. Rodon in for a reported £10 million is good business. Get everything done as early as possible, time to build for a proper start to the season unlike last year. On and up siblings, UTWDTP.


1.) 01 Jul 2024 18:22:27
25mill for AG and Rodon to Leeds, Cresswell deal no go on his way back so they say?

2.) 01 Jul 2024 18:34:24
Kamara off to Rangers by the look of it. Baz.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 18:55:25
Whitey Good news.

4.) 01 Jul 2024 18:56:53
It's £40m for Archie, White. All up front, too.

5.) 01 Jul 2024 19:07:31
Kamara was signed from Rangers Whitey mate, I think it’s French outfit Rennes who are after him ?.

6.) 01 Jul 2024 19:15:43
Whatever the cost for his Transportaion, I'll take care of the Bill.

7.) 01 Jul 2024 21:23:11
? I don't like the police ?? either but wouldn't go to those lengths.

8.) 02 Jul 2024 00:05:01
Kamara a weird one. Think he is able. Don’t want to be rebuilding too much. Need to replace the ones that leave and add a few. Not too many.

9.) 02 Jul 2024 07:30:18
I think Kamara is a quality operator (press resistant, good passing range, decent vision, work rate) . Improvements he needs to make would be his box crashing ability and his confidence in shooting from the edge of the box. Looks for the pass instead of taking better advantage of the position he's in. Would prefer to keep him and work on those areas.

10.) 02 Jul 2024 08:09:58
Comfortable with Kamara going. Good player, and a good signing at the right time tho. Should create space for an ACM signing and match minutes for Crew.

11.) 02 Jul 2024 09:09:49
Agree dill I have always liked kamara has an off day now and again but tell me a player who doesn't, I agree we need a good acm but we also need good holding mid who can pass.

12.) 02 Jul 2024 09:33:28
It seems we have reported interest in Gruev and kamara. I’d keep both. Get rid of the deadwood and fringe. No point decimating the starters. If amps in midfield then one of the two won’t get as many minutes as last year but good enough for cover. There are 5-6 we can move on.

13.) 02 Jul 2024 11:36:05
If Leeds keep the same anaemic midfield . non scoring non creating Tippy tappy sideways passers.

Then Leeds will miss out AGAIN on top 2 . with tinters again erroneously predicting of Leeds becoming Champo champions

Leeds midfield, gk and Farke were the reasons Lèeds failed last season.

14.) 02 Jul 2024 12:14:39
We waited a long time last summer before signing Kamara, same as Piroe which suggests we were looking for other options and only made those signings when we don't have any preferred options. If we can change them for players who fit Farke's system better then I would be happy enough.

15.) 02 Jul 2024 14:01:54
Agree Aus. Would still want to add to midfield even if we kept Kamara. We need squad depth as much as we need some new starters. A proper box-to-box and an AM would be lovely, although I reckon we likely only get one of the two.

Think the lack of a proper CF made things harder too, Baz, along with areas you mentioned.

16.) 02 Jul 2024 14:12:09
What was our formation last season baz?
1-4-2-3-1? 1-4–5-1? What constitutes our midfield?

17.) 02 Jul 2024 15:05:45
Agreed Dill

We definitely need quality
1) a goalscoring box to box mf
2) a creative attacking mf . who assists and scores.

18.) 02 Jul 2024 17:33:49
Cree and DJ, plus Gnonto and Gio, didn’t do too bad in terms of goals and assists from midfield positions did they Aus?

19.) 02 Jul 2024 17:59:47
Woody yes sorry read it wrong they will get a big pay off out of the fee that leaves a coupon coopers for us.



16 Jun 2024 08:58:26
A very happy and contented father's day to all, pride and salutations. Also thinking of our forefathers that paved the way, my father, grandpa Murch who served in the London fire brigade during the blitz and great grandpa Lacey who fought in the second Boer war and was decorated with the DCM. Never forget our foundations siblings ❤.


1.) 16 Jun 2024 12:32:46
Nice Post Vid.

2.) 16 Jun 2024 14:06:17
Yep. Good post vid. To siblings and courage. ?.

3.) 16 Jun 2024 15:38:51
Well said Vid - nice post - and my Grandad (Dad’s Dad) was an auxiliary fireman in London during The Blitz.



26 May 2024 21:49:44
Second coming anyone? Now That would cause a stir, unfinished business et Al and maybe direct our players to be positive and attack minded, at all times, win by attrition rather than be ineffective and toothless!




26 May 2024 19:52:13
OK, having had a think, and several pints, I am going to do a 180. I always thought and hoped that Carlos was going to succeed the Messiah. Maybe, the way things have turned out, now is the time. Dunno, just sad, disappointed an pissed lol.


1.) 26 May 2024 22:10:25
Vid's had an epiphany.

#Vid's seen the light.

2.) 26 May 2024 22:28:27
Wheres the usual sorry to say vid " rubbish"? You cannot deny anymore the reality of this squad

Brutal as a collective,

Down as many pints toy like

Their woeful

Respect to us WONDERFUL FANS, not those SAD BUNCH of players.

3.) 26 May 2024 23:09:25
Lol, well Chris, you cannot deny that we went on a wonderful run and everything was rosy for everyone when we hit the top. The mystery is what happened? Imponderable. But dismissing a squad who are capable of that off hand is equally imponderable, it's like dissing superman for being susceptible to kryponite.



26 May 2024 18:16:49
We go again in August people. Sell who we need to sell and rebuild. MJ has to be our number 1 striker in my humble, Cree has become too inconsistent, go, Ginio hopefully we keep, Rodon for me is suspect on a big stage, don't buy. DJ has to stay as does Archie. Mes wouldn't be sorry to lose, brilliant shot stopper but many faults. Need a left back. Gruev keep, feels like Kamara can be inconsistent too. Have to keep DF.


1.) 26 May 2024 18:29:57
Problem is DF clearly doesn't rate MJ nor Cresswell

Whichever way you dress it up DF has failed this season.

2.) 26 May 2024 18:38:16
Vid - Rodon has been a rock for most of the season. Plays with pride, passion and always takes one for the team if needed. If we can get him for 10-15m then I'd say snaps spurs hands off. We could find better but far too risky and cost a hell of a lot more.

3.) 26 May 2024 18:57:07
Neither Gruev nor Kamara would get a game in my midfield next year. With Struijk (and possibly a newbie) in the back four my two in the middle would be Gray and Ampadou, with Amps more DM and Gray tasked to get forward.

4.) 26 May 2024 19:23:18
Yeah I have to agree on that one Baz, it totally baffles me why DF hasn't utilised MJ, it's plain to see his ability and the dimension he brings to the game, he is a Must for me or we will lose him for peanuts, so frustrating!

5.) 26 May 2024 19:40:22
Indeed Vid . very frustrating DF not utilising MJ and CC.

6.) 26 May 2024 20:06:01
By all accounts Ampadu and Gray are going to be in midfield but if that’s the case a total rebuild of the back needed . Byram is only a back up even if he’s at the club next season, Creswell futures apppears elsewhere, cooper, roberts and Rodon gone, and that leaves Strujk and possibly firpo, I’m not even sure he will be at Leeds next season.

7.) 26 May 2024 20:14:10
Farke has not failed because he didn’t play Cresswell and Joseph every game, a 5 year old could tell you that.

8.) 26 May 2024 20:45:23
Pasc will be gone, and I too, wouldn’t sign Rodon. Cressie will also be moved on I guess. A largely new team, but hopefully with a little more time to gel pre season.




vidlufc's rumour replies


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My information is the same as Eddiegrays, I have a feeling Milky Bar is right about the GFHc involvement, they have a lot of constraint as to Cellinos investment




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Like the sound of that Andy, cheers. I think Gibbs could turn out to be very good and if BMD is as committed to Leeds as he says then he will be staying. 8 sounds about right too, cool




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Now Jeff, you know you are not supposed to reply to your own posts. what's new pussycat?





vidlufc's banter replies


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29 Jun 2024 23:37:14
A bolt from the blue indeed Mighty. Hold on tight I have a feeling this is the start of a turbulent summer, though I have a feeling this one may be a paving of the way for KP to return, just an inkling.




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10 Jun 2024 20:23:58
Class post again Class. Indeed an emotional week. If only your French acquaintance had spoken to Mr Sunak, just disgusted by the man, no class, no understanding or empathy for the people he purports to represent. Enjoy your holiday mon brave.




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26 May 2024 23:09:25
Lol, well Chris, you cannot deny that we went on a wonderful run and everything was rosy for everyone when we hit the top. The mystery is what happened? Imponderable. But dismissing a squad who are capable of that off hand is equally imponderable, it's like dissing superman for being susceptible to kryponite.




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26 May 2024 19:23:18
Yeah I have to agree on that one Baz, it totally baffles me why DF hasn't utilised MJ, it's plain to see his ability and the dimension he brings to the game, he is a Must for me or we will lose him for peanuts, so frustrating!




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24 May 2024 23:36:57
Well yes Baz that is true, but to borrow your mantra I was right up until the international break. I though believe in this group, I realise things don't always work out how you wish. To be Leeds is the essence of life, it's expectation, despair, frustration, but always hope. We are unique, that's why everyone hates us, they are jealous of the emotion they will never have. This will be seen on Sunday. Leeds forever come what may.
