27 May 2024 19:06:44
I think I'm glad that we lost yesterday. I remember back to last year when the 9ers took over and farke was appointed. The comments at that time were 'this is a multi-year development process'. So should be be surprised that we didn't make it to the PL, sure it hurts, but in reality I think this team was playing way above their pay grade. Either way there was always going to be a huge rebuild this summer and 160m would NOT have been enough if we did go up. Plus you look at Burnley, the saints, luton - and many more that didn't have a core set of players, all loan players so no surprises they will bounce back down. Although it hurts to say it, i'd rather spend a couple of years in the championship, and build a core of young players than keep getting beat everyweek .
So on to next year, as to the trades, we all have our opinions - but get them done quickly so that the team goes into training with a core set of players that can play together - I know we are Leeds and always have to do things the hard way, but if we can keep the core together, just like MB had next year should have a better ending -
27 May 2024 19:47:19
Fair enough CA, and tbh, I do agree, tho whether we keep the “core” we will have to wait to see.
27 May 2024 19:49:38
Deluded if you think staying in the Championship preferable. If we don't go up next season, we are likely to be stuck here for a very long time. The game's finances and opportunities are becoming squeezed making promotion that much harder for a team not receiving a parachute payment.
Only a Championship winner's medal will suffice next season. If at any juncture it looks like Farke may fail that mission, he must be sacked and someone superior installed.
27 May 2024 20:05:39
Good points made CA.
Have a feeling George that unless we are very well positioned at Christmas then we will be looking for a new manager.
27 May 2024 20:38:05
Agree 100% George!
27 May 2024 23:11:19
George, like everyone else staying in the championship is not what we all want and is not a financial win . we all get that. What I said or meant was one more year and then go up with a core of young players, that want to play, instead of having some 'long old in the touth' and below average PL players - that will be the recipe for 'a bounce' and will be far far worse than staying an another year .
27 May 2024 23:42:21
"Core of young players"?
1. Farke has recently been emphasizing need for experience when asked what might he wish for, change going forward.
2. We are going to be selling minimum two of our excellent younger players this upcoming window.
Therefore there will be no core group of youngsters.
The pressure to win the league in 2025 will be there and sadly I agree with Cleggy unless by Christmas Farke is too or 2nd he'll be gone.
28 May 2024 02:41:09
more like Farke will be gone mid November if Leeds United are not firmly in top 2 ( 15 Champo games a third of the season )
28 May 2024 05:54:23
Halloween Bazadamus.
28 May 2024 07:53:51
As I have said in a previous post, I think the board, and Farke and his team, will be viewing the upcoming season as a “must go up” season.
There is nowt deluded or incorrect in what CA says; it’s totally in line with the clubs position at the start of the season just ended. Of course, that obviously means that if we are not in the top four mix at least by November, DF will get the heave.
I reckon we will also see a couple of youngsters eased into the squad again this season, adding to the remainder of “core youngsters”.
28 May 2024 14:21:59
What "core youngsters"? Name them. Gray, Rutter and Joseph for sure with Crew coming through but I'd hardly call 4 a "core". Now 6 is a core but the other 2 young ones are definitely off. There is no core!
29 May 2024 09:17:46
Can 3, in number, not form a “core”? What number does constitute a “core”?
I think you are focussing on the wrong word, rather than the essence of the phrase. Four, including perhaps crew, and I would suggest the addition of the CB I watched in the cup final, could be seen as a “core” within a team of 11? Or match day squad?