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23 Nov 2023 00:36:55
Looking ahead to game.
Looks like no Rutter.
Regardless of our players being on international duty and no prep time I am still expecting a bit of a romp. 0-4 or 0-5. Keep sending messages to top two.
I'd even go 442
Mez Spence Rodman struik byram amps kam Jimmy James piroe bam.

Agree1 Disagree0

23 Nov 2023 01:44:39
IF no Georgnio that is a blow, he is the closest we have to a creative talisman.

Relying on Summerville

Be delighted with a 1 nil win Summerville goal.

23 Nov 2023 01:46:20
. and absolutely delighted that Spence, Struick and Byram are back training. hopefully all 3 play. and stay injury free.

23 Nov 2023 04:01:55
Yeah. Gutted about Gio.
Could also push piroe up to and play gnonto or gray instead of bam.

23 Nov 2023 07:08:19
With Rutter out it does give Bamford a chance to stake a claim with a full game. Yes I know not many will be holding our breath but it is an opportunity for him as is for Willy, two players that need to find some form.

23 Nov 2023 09:00:45
Gnonto made a scoring two appearances for Italy u21s. Maybe try and keep his run going.
But I think he'll start Bamford as a straight swap.
Gray was protected a bit more by England this time so should be fresh.
Spence might get a few minutes but he is way off starting I think.
By what DF said in his press conference we should have a full squad apart from gio.

23 Nov 2023 10:59:15
I would start with Gnonto upfront over BamBam. He will be full of confidence after this week.

23 Nov 2023 11:43:02
Yeah. got to be honest. I prob wouldn’t want bam playing. As Porgie says. He is way past his sell by date. Start Willy. Piroe up front with all 4 threats told to shoot on sight.
Agree above. Spence last 15 min.
Rather messes up my original pick but hey ho.

23 Nov 2023 12:39:27
Not 100% Gio won’t do a half either. Bit of minor kidology maybe.

23 Nov 2023 12:47:27
Expecting a tricky fixture they got a 2-2 draw at home with Ipswich and they’re a big direct side.

Not sure if the Welsh lads have had sufficient rest after playing Turkey but we will find out I’m sure we have the more skilled players to cause them many problems, attitude has to be spot on every game in this league as Saints away clearly showed.

Think we will win but won’t be surprised if it’s tight.

23 Nov 2023 13:16:16
OP Bam ought to be lining up for the opponent. Get MJ in.

23 Nov 2023 13:21:18
Yes aus maybe a bit of kidology. Gio didn't have a lot of minutes for France so who knows.

Yes class the Welsh boys have had two tough games. Dan didn't play all of the first but returning late this week not much training or recovery.

23 Nov 2023 14:17:19
Good post Brighty, certainly worth considering Willy given his speed and recent boost in confidence, still think there are untapped goals to come from Bam Bam but not sure his heart is fully in it just now, he’s always professional but that extra edge with strikers comes from being settled and happy and Paddy really doesn’t seem like that.

23 Nov 2023 18:52:07
In fairness to Bamford he hasn’t started a game this season. I think behind behind the scenes on the training ground and in dressing room apparently he’s encouraging the youngsters and participating in the positivity atmo. One thing I’m certain about is that he’ll want to prove to Farke that he’s not the forgotten man when he gets the opportunity to start a game.

23 Nov 2023 19:36:52
Bamford has always been a confidence player . when/ if he scores. other goals will hopefully likely follow especially at this Championship level

We need win after win. so therefore he is at best a sub for me given his goal drought.



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