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19 Nov 2023 00:10:36
Well all this talk of financial irregularities and point deductions. Making us leeds fans have flashbacks to 20 years ago.
I for one am glad that our club is no longer in this position.
Ever since Mr bates took over I club we have been in a better place. I know papa smurf was and is unpopular but as soon as he took over he ran leeds as a business.
Which had not happened before. Especially Ridsdales era when spending was not exactly controlled.
Our subsequent owners have been a bit pap but we have not spent above our means.
Our last owner rads continued this much to our frustration but on these few occasions I am glad.
Best to continue as a well run club than being mired in turmoil. We have seen how it ends . 16 years in the wilderness.
So I will take a bit of reserved business over being in constant flux.
Hopefully the 49ers and their money means we will never be in that situation again. But no team can is immune.

Agree1 Disagree0

19 Nov 2023 07:11:39
I Know Radrizziani wasn’t popular but he did work within the FFP and for that reason didn’t overspend like other clubs did. Two of those clubs were punished for there irregularities (cheating) with points deduction which were Derby and Wendies but there were two clubs that did get away with it in Villa and Wolves who were subsequently promoted and avoided any punitive measures because they were out of the EFL.
There should be some kind of umbrella law that between the EFL and EPL that doesn’t allow clubs to commit this unfair advantage to get promotion.
They should also receive large points deductions if found guilty.
All football authorities need to stop this financial cheating and I’m very dubious about for example, Everton claiming their financial irregularities was not to gain a sporting advantage that for me is just number crunching and shifting their expenditures amounts from one part to another. Therefore there should be no legal route to escape the punishment, if you’ve overspent you’ve overspent. All loop holes should be sealed.

But if you want to got to the root of the problem then in my estimation there is far too much money in transfer policies wages etc. There is no justifiable balance anymore in the financial world of football.

19 Nov 2023 07:16:09
Well said fella.

19 Nov 2023 10:10:01
Yes op too much money or too much reliance on money. Everton fans have not been happy with their board for ages now and it has come to roost.
The money in modern clubs is in developing players selling them on for big fees and expanding the brand. I think Everton as a club have been drifting for a number of years.
They have not invested since moys era.
We keep coming back to it but look at Brighton for one. Well run and self sustaining.
Not saddled with debt and old fashioned owners.

19 Nov 2023 11:02:51
The writing was on the wall for Everton for some time and they did receive prior warnings to their financial situation, they chose to ignore it and now pay the price.
To keep our own club within the FFP rules had to sell our best assets as in Raphinha and Phillips, Everton’s attempt at leveling the books was too little too late in selling Gordon and Richalison.
Their hierarchy thought they could cook the books with cv and their new stadium and also thought at worst if something happened they would just receive some meaningless fine, they thought wrong.
Many believed including Everton’s hierarchy the EPL would not react to their breaking of the rules because it would set a precedent and would then have to go after Man City and Chelsea which most thought the EPL would not have the bottle to do.

19 Nov 2023 12:02:05
Precedent is now set. The EPL HAVE TO go after Citeh and Chelsea.

19 Nov 2023 12:23:41
Don’t think it will bother city. 20 points will still see them in Europe.
Chelsea however ??
One can only hope. Love to see all those dollar hunters run for cover. Chelsea are the worst run club in prem.

19 Nov 2023 20:28:19
Want Chelsea Citeh to be the biggest fixture in the National League next season. Want all their recent trophies to be stripped away and given to the finalist or runner up. Want class action law suits filed against them for a trillion pounds. Want their sponsors to sue them for embarrassment. Want them banned from engaging in transfer windows for the remainder of the millennium.



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