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12 Nov 2023 12:17:07
Good win yesterday with some great attacking play, honestly believe DJ could score 15 goals this season delighted for the lad.

Tricky opponents and lots more of them to come, as others have already noted we need to strengthen in January (I’m ok if this includes selling Willy) but it clearly showed yesterday that our substitutes are not as good as our strongest side.

Poor goal to concede yesterday (yes player got between Coops and Firpo) and maybe that doesn’t happen if Sam’s on the pitch.

Still the biggest concern for me with the goal is again it’s scored inside the six yard box! Why is Mess not diving and cutting out the cross? Watch the highlights he leads with his foot starts to come then retreats leaving the lad a tap in.

Still believe we have the best starting squad in the league but our Keeper needs significant improvement in the area of crosses into his six yard box or sadly it’s going to bite us sooner or later.

Also praying Rodon doesn’t get injured how good is he!

Agree3 Disagree0

12 Nov 2023 13:42:18
Class wow what happened

excellent logical spot on post again completely concur on all points . impossible to counter ??.

12 Nov 2023 14:19:44
I do agréé Rodon has been indispensable and has made a huge deference to our defense but I honestly wouldn’t single out just one player because collectively as a team we look like a promotion/ title winning team. I include Meslier in that collective group, I think he does get some unfair criticism, we would have lost two points against Leicester had he not made that great save towards the end of that game.
Side before self can be interpreted in different ways and I see all the players as one destined to win this league.

12 Nov 2023 14:31:37
I've just re watched the Plymouth goal again yes firpo was wandering a bit to close their winger. But as the ball is played forward Liam is hopelessly out of position. He was stood on the edge of the box in the middle virtually stood on rodon boots. Amps has to follow the crosser into the box . Liam doesn't get to the ball. Poor defending on his heels not covering the space. Struijk would have cut the ball out for sure.
Deffo need cover at the back of better quality than Liam.

12 Nov 2023 14:58:26
Agreed Ben the Plymouth goal was awful from a Leeds perspective

Firpo for Leeds has always been utter gash as a ' defender "

and Cooper makes crucial mistakes

They very likely impact negatively on other defenders and Meslier too .

1) Spence, Byram, Struick return asap and stay fit .

2) Shack and Cresswell imo also before Firpo and Cooper

3) signing a LB and at least one CD is a must in Jan window

Sort it DF and co.

12 Nov 2023 15:35:27
Agree with the points baz. With firpo and coops on that side we loose so much pace a positioning. Hopefully struijk and byram are back soon.

12 Nov 2023 15:52:02
Totally agree with the side before self mantra, although I believe that had more to do with Bielsa’s ruthlessness around individuals conforming to a very detailed strategy but it serves just as well as you win as one team and you lose as one team.

Great in principle, but in reality forwards always get far more kudos than defenders. Really want Messellier to be a huge success and it pains me to sound like a broken record but the reality is just as coops and Bill are probably past their best our keeper has significant flaws with any ball in inside of his six yard box?

Trying to recall if he’s suffered an injury previously? But for me he lacks the ability or strength to go claim what should always be his given his stature.

The Leicester game was an incredible save but again five foot nothing Dewsbury-Hall outjumps Bill around two yards from goal?

I’m grateful he did save it but I believe many, many Keepers simply collect what was a slow looping ball rather than be frozen to their line.

I still believe my bet of Leeds going up this season as champions is on track but in the current starting eleven our young keeper gives me the most concerns anxieties especially with so many tall sides (Preston, Stoke) in this division if our CB don’t win the first ball we are fragile in my opinion.

He’s still very young and he can eradicate these issues but it needs to happen quickly.

12 Nov 2023 17:15:37
Gotta look straight at the facts on their goal. Two players who have played very little football at all, let alone together. As Class says, wouldn’t have happened had Sam been on the park still.

12 Nov 2023 23:10:04
Bright I think firpo can be excused with being out of position after not played for a while and being a bit part in things for years. But Liam is club captain and he cannot hide behind game time and that nonsense. He should be on it every time he steps on the pitch. So I am will still say we need more cover in defence.
I see Liam covering cb with byram out side him but having him with firpo or another fill in shacks does not sound good.

13 Nov 2023 00:33:25
Baz Firpo is ? as a defender and as a player. Reason he was hopelessly out of position is because he's not a LB.

Loan Firpo in January. Sell Willy. Buy or arrange incoming loans for following positions:

1. CD
2. LB
3. CAM
4. CF

Get those 4 acquisitions correct and we finish no lower than 2nd.

13 Nov 2023 06:17:39

13 Nov 2023 08:18:50
It’s not realistic George, can’t see us offloading players during this season, makes no sense. More than likely we will bring in a couple of loans, one of those being a possible CB. It was pretty clear that they also wanted an attacking mid at the start of the season, that also could be on the cards.

Firpo did have a decent spell mid second part of last season, his injury stats with us are dreadful though and LB could be a position where we could have both Byram and Firpo on the treatment table this season. It is food for thought for Farke and his staff.

13 Nov 2023 13:08:31
We concur Georgey on signings required.

Firpo is gash OP . end of.

13 Nov 2023 16:01:02
OP You are probably correct regarding Willy. I'm simply thinking how the club accesses the necessary funds to strengthen our bench. Fact of the matter is Willy has been playing within himself. So long as the 4 positions are successfully addressed in January I can't see how we can be stopped. The CAM will help when teams come to ER and park the bus ?. I have full faith and confidence in Hammond to do the business when time comes.

13 Nov 2023 21:54:58
Not getting injured in the warm was a big achievement for Firpo.



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