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09 Jun 2024 22:31:00
George my votes are as follows:

1• Brightwhite -

Great poster with great knowledge of the game. He also doesn’t let the twisted posters grind him down.

2• Class of 92 -

Great informative posts. Class has so much good interesting points and his posts do get the site debating, fab poster.

3• Alf -

One of a kind is our Alf, he’s positive, informative, clever and interesting. Another one who doesn’t suffer fools gladly and stands his ground. Love reading your posts Alf mate.

Although I’ve picked my 3 it doesn’t mean the rest of the posters are not appreciated, every poster on here has so much value.
OP, Corky, Ausman, Dilli, Vid, Bermo, George, Baz, Chris Chris, MG, Whiteman, Oldbri, Geldard, Cleggy, and so many more that make this site what it is. ?

Special thanks to Ed for his time in running this site and his very informative posts when we can’t get it right! lol. Cheers Ed ?.

Agree4 Disagree0

10 Jun 2024 20:01:59
Bless you Woody, was going to put you in my top 3 but since you have only come back into the posting fold relatively recently I didn't think it fair. Love reading your work though buddy.

10 Jun 2024 23:36:16
Thanks Alf, your comments are much appreciated. It is really hard to pick 3 posters as they are all good in their own way, even Baz! lol, only joking Bazinold. There are so many good posts that have been wrote and each holds a valid point. I mean how informative are Dilli’s, he’s so on it. You have George who is so knowledgeable and then 1970, LUFC, and Vid who is always a half glass full man. Then you get you Alf who always keeps bouncing back with replies, it doesn’t matter how much you get knocked, you still post good, positive and funny comments, Brighty, Cleggy, Corky, and Aus are also so spot on and funny with their posts, so it is very hard to single out posters mate, but I’m happy with my choice ??.

11 Jun 2024 04:52:36
Yes Woody you know it full well deep in your gut :

Baz the Master Realist vs the Naive Tinters we all have merits.

11 Jun 2024 08:25:12
lol Baz very funny ? ???.



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