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30 Nov 2023 16:01:25
Sorry posted this in the wrong place.

Room for improvement?
I am going to list our starting 11 and what I think part of there game they could improve. In my humble opinion!

1. Mez positioning I think. I think we have all said at times. Hope this comes with experience.

2. Byram way better than championship level but maybe a few more goals.

3. Gray such a young lad. Will improve naturally in everything with age.

4. Rodon like byram is so much better than championship level needs to believe it at times. Could drive into midfield more.

5. Struijk growing as captain. Looks so much better with pace either side. Few more goals please.

6. Amps just needs to drive the team forward more when we are struggling.

7. Kamara I think he is a finished article. (No pun intended) . I cannot see him improving much probably playing at his best level. Goals?

8. Dan maybe tries to force things some times gets too involved. But developing into the player bielsa wanted.

9. Piroe movement in that number 10 looked a bit statuesque in early games much better last night.

10. Cree belting season maybe holds onto the ball a bit when he should pass decisions under pressure another one who is above this league.

11. Gio so much room for improvement in this young lad. On top of natural talent. If continues as a striker maybe a few more snap shots. A few more control and hit. Scruffy toe pokes. Still developing physically.

What do you think these could improve?

Agree3 Disagree0

30 Nov 2023 16:38:22
Some very fair observations in there Ben.

As a general comment, which could apply to all of them - believe in yourselves! We the supporters are right behind you and appreciate your efforts, keep pushing on, keep winning, keep the belief.

There’s still a long way to go this season - we can overhaul Leicester and Ipswich!

30 Nov 2023 17:22:18
Fairly comprehensive Ben.

01 Dec 2023 00:09:13
As a team. Defend better. There is nothing wrong with clean sheets. Don’t make so many defensive errors.
As a team our forward play is exceptional. As swanny said, we are menacing in attack. But need to convert more games to the 4-5-6 they should be.

01 Dec 2023 12:02:18
IMHO Kamara can improve by being more focused, he can sometimes make the team feel too over exposed which can have a negative impact on the team. (Pun's intended! )

01 Dec 2023 13:35:56
ILK I know what you mean. I only meant I think what you see is what you get. At his point of career and with 50 odd international caps improvements will be minor. Hopefully a bit of awareness will come from being in competitive league and being 100% wanted in a team.

01 Dec 2023 13:44:48
Call me stupid Koch but I don’t get any of that. Anybody else help?
Kamara is class. Amps lacks concentration.

01 Dec 2023 14:20:41
Aus and Ben - Trying to be a bit light hearted, if I have to explain my attempt at camera/ kamara puns then I will with pleasure.

02 Dec 2023 00:59:04
ILK you are being a bit of a little tinker. I thought you meant the times kamara had left or not closed down attacks. I suppose that does give the exposure my knowledge.
I don't want to sound negative.
I hope to develope a better opinion.



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