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28 Oct 2023 15:01:43
Clear sheet woulda been nice, pity Mez didn't think the same, what a pudding!

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28 Oct 2023 16:24:15
Gashlier Crouchier Statuelier. Sell in Januaryier.

28 Oct 2023 18:40:05
Agree above.
Trying to think of a compliment for mez.
Useless best I can do.

28 Oct 2023 19:04:09
Part of the blame belongs to Shacks for playing their goal scorer on side. Why have delight in constantly slamming Meslier all the time? He is a Leeds player.
We just won and still not happy!

28 Oct 2023 19:22:51
You can break a team’s performance down as I’m sure farke will. Maybe.
Praise to the performers and not to the not performing.
Don’t get your post opti. Mez was appalling. What about his game do you like?
I am expecting and hoping Mez dropped for next game. He is getting like he was end of last season and he has better defense so no excuses.

28 Oct 2023 19:51:04
I am sure George ( or anyone else for that matter ) is not in ' delight " in criticism of Meslier.

The facts are the very little he needs to do thjs season still become mistakes and leading to concession of goals

You want promotion?

28 Oct 2023 19:57:01
Well said OP…some folks can’t help themselves.

28 Oct 2023 20:37:54
Baz, then why mock him?

28 Oct 2023 22:24:38
You happy with Mes performances OP? ?.

28 Oct 2023 23:45:58
Baz, we have the third best defence in the league and 5th most clean sheets, so yes I’m personally feeling better about Mes presently. I am not his biggest fan and I don’t think he is anywhere near as good as some folks are (were? ) proclaiming.

He is definitely better suited to this league (perhaps his real level? ) and he has improved his distribution (still bang average though) . I don’t think he’ll go in January because I’m not sure anyone will be in for him.

He is still currently our best option in my opinion.

28 Oct 2023 23:47:23
OP Baz is correct. Take no pleasure in Meslier criticism. He's just not good enough. I don't like his crouching arms by the side style. He could do with bulking up those Olive Oil arms. He's made too many mistakes in his Leeds career and the last thing I want to see is a Leeds vs Southampton or Sunderland playoff final and he costs us with schoolboy howlers. Just tell management to sell and get a better replacement. You'll thank me and Bazadamus later. Oh and please buy another quality CD. We need one.

29 Oct 2023 00:06:27
I don't think anyone is happy with our goal keeper at the moment. He lost concentration today and let a goal in. I'm sure he is just as pee'd of as we are with his mistake.
It could of been helped by defenders getting out to block the shot before it was unleashed. The hudders player was aloud too much time and space to put in a well hit shot.
I am sure farke will bench mez if he continues to underwhelm.

29 Oct 2023 01:47:47
I am surprised that Farke didn't acquire a much bettervgk in summer window ; if he had Mes would be getting splinters on bench long ago .

Signing a ( very ) good gk is a must this January window for a much better chance of promotion ( likely via playoffs) and it would be absolutely incredulous and illogical for anyone to claim that Mes is good / having good performances.

29 Oct 2023 06:06:26
Every players form in a professional football team has high and lows. Too much focus is on Meslier and often for no good reason. It’s worth noting the biggest critics of Meslier can exclusively be found on this forum, i don’t see on main stream media articles or chanting in the stands at Elland rd of Meslier out on a regular basis.
Too many posters on here demanding too much for a Championship team, we are not Man City.

I personally think we are doing very well with our new manager and our virtually new squad.
Are you not?

29 Oct 2023 09:23:55
OP my question was ;

Are YOU happy with Meslier performances? ??

I don't for one minute believe there are any posts on " mainstream media ' praising Meslier.

29 Oct 2023 10:12:35
Probably not at the top of his game atmo but I’d still stick with him because it will improve. I’m not hearing the media slam him either!

29 Oct 2023 10:38:50
OP the master of the understatement ? ?lurye ya.

29 Oct 2023 11:14:58
Common sense would say Darlow would be playing if he was that bad?

29 Oct 2023 13:25:42
Problem is Darlow isn't good either going by that Salford cup match. couldn't save for toffee

Hence why I stated we need to sign a new gk in Jan.



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