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22 Sep 2023 00:13:26
I think it's plain to see our faults.
We struggle for consistency.
We were unlucky not to score v hull as some of the shots were placed well but saved or blocked. But our finishing generally is poor. Rutter should have scored.
We clearly struggle against the bus.
Clearly farke is not training on finishing or breaking down the bus. So the inconsistency is on him. If he is training on improving then he is doing a bad job.
The top two in this league generally lose between 4-7 games. So we are quite a bit behind the eight ball already.
Consistency and momentum is key and we lack it. It's no point having a good win at wall but blow out against hull. Dosent make a difference if you lose one player. The diff is wall and hull had diff game plans and farke couldn't adjust. Poor management.

Agree0 Disagree0

22 Sep 2023 05:38:32
In 19/ 20 season we lost 9 are were champions
In 20/ 21 season Watford lost 9, Barnsley finished 5th losing 14
In 21/ 22 season Fulham lost 10 Bournemouth 8
In 22/ 23 season Blunts lost 11, Mboro finished 4th losing 15
I could go on, dontvunderstand the negative Farke bollocks, again for the 3rd time Aus, who eould you of preferred over DF, let me guess no comment AGAIN, park the negative bus up for a while and let's see were we are come Feb,

22 Sep 2023 06:19:17
Thought someone would fact check me lol. got to admit it was a guess. Anyway.
The fact of the matter is we had officially one of the easiest start in the champ and we have underperformed. We need consistency.
And I will give my opinion on farke until he proves to me otherwise. Winning 2 in a row might help. A bit.

22 Sep 2023 06:44:04
Agree Richiem, Aus we get it you don't date Farke, but great you keep knocking him . Your obviously a football expert, I see a lot of Victor Orta in you from your posts.

22 Sep 2023 07:30:09
Sounding like a broken record, but here goes
There are no easy games in championship
Only 7 games played with a lot of new players
Fans who think that we will walk this league need a reality check, probably the same people who thought after finishing 9th we would be in Europe with 2 years.

22 Sep 2023 08:06:29
Here here Rich to both posts. Aus at what point will lay off the negativity? As mentioned DF has had a lot to deal with in the first few weeks of his tenure, more than any other manager in any of the leagues, and we have lost only 1 game. I truly believe we are looking more solid than we have for years, along with that we have the best attack in the league, and this element will click imminently. Why not have a glass half full for a change, it's actually quite a good feeling. Or are you just like a cat playing with us the being the mice and you are just playing with us to get a reaction?.

22 Sep 2023 09:38:29
You make some good points Doug.
But no goals in 3 of 7 fixtures.

22 Sep 2023 09:44:03
Sack Farke eh Aus? I honestly believe you are the most negative poster on here! Sometimes negative posts and criticism are needed and justified (all of last season basically) , but you do it whether we win, lose or draw and without any meaningful substance.

I think you may have been asked this question about 48 times now without a response, but if Farke is so useless, who are the alternatives? Don’t say Potter as he isn’t interested in a lower league project. What about Big Sam? Think he is still available or maybe Warnock? ? ?.

22 Sep 2023 10:11:29
I don’t really think it’s too much to ask to win two consecutive games though. Maybe the next two ?.

22 Sep 2023 10:47:55
Aus I think you need to consider that we had a huge amount of players leave the club in the summer, which was necessary and there’s equally a number of new players arrive. Farke and you did say yourself, I’ll give him some time before i’ll criticize him if there is no progress.!
I think at Millwall who have been a notoriously difficult team for us to play against at the Den, you can see the signs that there is improvement.
It’s not going to happen overnight before we start showing the consistency whereby we start winning back to back games.
Yes of course we must start doing that soon if we want promotion. This is a very long season in the Championship and If we continue to progress, which I think we will, come the end of it, bar a huge amount of long term injuries, we’ll definitely be up there with a big shout.

22 Sep 2023 10:59:37
I did respond mid but unfortunately you seem to have missed it.
I’m not negative when we win. I seem to recall saying a good win at millwall.
The win against Ipswich given their form was also good even though I thought their defending that night to be horrifically poor.
However. It’s no point just beating the teams that come at us cause 75% of this league will park the bus and those teams we can’t seem to score against.

22 Sep 2023 12:29:48
Yes opti. I agree. I do keep not taking that in to consideration. But if we can thrash millwall. Why not hull?
Why do you think we won one and drew the other opti.

22 Sep 2023 13:04:16
Aus has just ONE good point ( the one he pinched from me ? )

but most of his posts could do with logic and sense ? and his tedious repetitive " critique " of DF is just utter silliness for reasons already stated previously and in this thread too.

If you going to bish bash Bosh someone Aus

at least save it for someone who deserves it ( ie Orta, Radz, Marsch, Chuckle brother, a lot of the players last season)

not a 2 time Champion in Mr Farke who is proven in this league and not really yet been given enough tools in midfield etc by Mr Marathe.

22 Sep 2023 13:20:28
I seem to recall you saying it’s only Millwall and it should be a given that we beat them and for people to stop getting excited about beating them ?‍♂️.

22 Sep 2023 13:51:48
Hilarious baz the kettle.
Take your memory tabs mid.

22 Sep 2023 15:11:20
Memory working super fine and dandy Aus thanks.

We all know what your posts have been, completely negative and dismissive. Maybe time to switch from Castlemaine XXXX to Becks Blue, or maybe a pint of Optimism with a dash of Supportiveness.

22 Sep 2023 15:17:27
My memory and logic all good Aus fella.

Enjoy your Perth Bim Bam pantomime Bosh ☺️?.

22 Sep 2023 15:35:43
Tbf, Aus has only really been the biggest neg head we have here, this season. It’s isn’t his normal way. Must be a magnetic cloud or somat over the antipodes….?



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