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19 Oct 2023 06:47:41
The hearing into Everton's financial floutery of fairness has supposedly been ongoing, secretly during the course of this week.
Meanwhile, 777 have loaned them ANOTHER £20m taking their investment, without any level of ownership to nigh on £60m.
This could all go very, very pear shaped soon!

Agree3 Disagree0

19 Oct 2023 09:49:52
Bright, it will probably be sealed and appoved without any come back on Everton. Maybe just a small fine for their FFP indiscretions. Take over will happen I believe.
If the premier league make an example of Everton then Man city must also be sanctioned, and that just isn't going to happen.

Different rules for the premiership than for the rest of football.

19 Oct 2023 13:58:19
I think we all know what the outcome will be, a so called big fine with zero points deduction. It will prove they were guilty of breaking the FFP rules but the EPL will not have the balls to sanction a points deduction.
It will send the message that you will have a little slap on the wrist if you break the rules but no more than that.

19 Oct 2023 14:30:33
Unless you are Leeds of course.

19 Oct 2023 14:34:01
Why will they not have the balls to deduct points off Everton?

19 Oct 2023 15:36:02
I do hope you are correct Brighty and that the pear takes shape very soon - but somehow I fear it won't.

They are called Everton Football Club, now if they were called Leeds United Football Club then it would be a staggering fine with an immediate 15 point deduction!

No, let's make it 20 points as they've hit us once before for 15.

19 Oct 2023 18:09:58
Because it’s the EPL Aus and I don’t believe they’ll dish out points deduction because of Man City having also dubious FFP discrepancies and they would be forced to deal with them as Mez has eluded to already.
There’s far too much involved in taking on Man City and it’s far too late also.
I’ll fall over backwards if there’s anything more than a derisory fine for Everton. Probably not even that.

19 Oct 2023 19:12:21
Just arrived back from my part time LUFC consultancy gig . all is good and more steps closer to EPL nirvana!

As for Neverton . it's a done deal . no points deduction. a token fine for " minor indiscretions ". the new stadium part of England Euro tournamemt host bid .

Super cosy arrangement ?.

20 Oct 2023 07:57:16
Now also being sued by an agent for non-payment of fees from a transfer this summer. FFP issue or not, they are in the doo doo, and 777 do not come with a good rep for club management either!

20 Oct 2023 11:27:14
Wishing the worst for Neverton defo.



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