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18 Oct 2023 09:19:46
Seen some incredible midfield players at Leeds in my time, and for differing reasons in my life at the time my top three would be….

Gary Mac

But seriously Jude Bellingham is 19! This boy is a once in a generation player even at such a young age the word genius seems appropriate, wow just wow!

Agree4 Disagree0

18 Oct 2023 09:48:04
Archie will be just as good at 19 …certainly heading in the right direction.

18 Oct 2023 17:11:11
Bellingham ripped us apart at 16.
Great awareness, positional sense, and vision, even then.
Archie will be very good, is very good, but that lad Bellingham has the world at his feet, and an opportunity to be up with the best ever imo. No comparison.

18 Oct 2023 22:27:51
Gary Mac batty Delph Milner da court

We had some greats but Archie I think will beat the lot but then I said that about Lewis and he dissapointed

But bellingham is something else. I knew most on who said gazza was the best player he ever saw including pele and marradonna

But I think Jude might take it.

19 Oct 2023 19:19:57
Extreme hyperbole
Bellingham certainly did not rip Leeds apart when he was 16 . he played well enough but both games Leeds United WON for starters . Leeds 1 Brum 0
And Brum 4 he Leeds 5

As for Gazza very good player around 1988 to 1990 especially but not even close to the supreme ability, strength and speed of Maradona.

Bellingham definitely will be better than Gazza if he isn't already.

20 Oct 2023 08:00:47
Au contraire monsieur Baz.
He mugged off our midfielders on numerous occasions, slipping by one, and sometimes two at time. They did not have to win the game for him to outperform experienced pros. A single player can still have a blinder, and end up on the losing team, no? Plus his age was a major factor in my assessment.

20 Oct 2023 11:27:34
Fair enough Brighty.

20 Oct 2023 11:45:48
Just to add Brighty I just had a gander at various Birmingam website player ratings for Birmingham 4 bs Leeds 5 match

If Bellingham had indeed " ripped Leeds apart " surely he would have scored 9 out of 10

Instead I found 7s and 7.5s

He played well for a 16 year old sure but " ripped Leeds up " . hmm?☺️.

20 Oct 2023 17:13:26
Exactly Baz. I was referring to certain moments of play where class shone, and he showed his massive potential by making seasoned pros look Sunday league. Surely a rating of 7 / 7.5 is immense for a 16 year old?

20 Oct 2023 17:49:36
OK Brighty fair dos I concur?.



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