Leeds banter 241168


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29 Nov 2023 22:31:21
Since a bad performance at Southampton we've won 7/ 9 games with one defeat. Promotion form?

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30 Nov 2023 02:50:06
It would probably have been 9/ 9 IF we had played in white against Stoke and Rotherham as well

Stop playing in that awful blue shirt 2nd strip

Leeds United 10 wins all in the famous white shirt.

30 Nov 2023 13:10:46
Regarding our away kit, I hope someone finally sees sense next season and come up with a traditional Leeds United yellow change strip.

30 Nov 2023 14:36:53
Yes LUFC . traditional ALL PLAIN YELLOW
with no extra designs or patterns

Adidas have had a shocker this season and last with 2nd and 3rd kits.



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