28 Nov 2023 10:29:53
I've just read and watched a couple of articles on the use of snus in football.
Small nicotine pouches that are held in the mouth. Apparently the use is rife throughout football. First time I have heard of this.?
28 Nov 2023 10:52:49
England and Leicester striker Jamie Vardy admitted using the product in his autobiography to help him "chill out" and was pictured carrying it at Euro 2016 before saying he had stopped following negative media coverage.
28 Nov 2023 11:36:38
I just looked that up whilst sat in the waiting room at my doctor's surgery, tbh I'd never heard of them.
28 Nov 2023 13:49:23
Tried it out once from an American friend, looks like a miniature tea bag which you leave under your gums. Disgusting habit, once was enough for me, rather do crystal meth.
28 Nov 2023 15:03:05
It's illegal to sell over here but not to use. They by it in from Sweden were it is freely available. I'm not against it particularly but I haven't heard of the wide spread use. I suppose with strictness of the diet and training in modern football a drug like nicotine being not detrimental or banned it will get used.
I suppose in the not so distant passed players were drinking and smoking and who knows what.
28 Nov 2023 22:13:31
Does this stuff cloud ones logic?
28 Nov 2023 22:51:23
It's basically just nicotine baz . Just a bit stronger and obviously nothing being drawn into the lungs.
Like cigs it is meant to calm the nerves but of course is highly addictive.
I think the big thing is some senior players are getting youth players addicted. Also it is not a good look as apparently some have been using this while on the bench at games.
28 Nov 2023 23:32:48
Ok Ben thanks for info ?.