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05 Jan 2025 20:40:43
Reet. Cards on the table time.
I don't come here for arguments with small minded people, and I don't like allowing such people to wind me up. Nor do I like getting dragged into BS debates.
I've said it before, certain people have dragged this forum down the pan.
Not what I came here for over 13 years ago, and I think it's better for me personally to just quit. It brings out characteristics in me that I've tried to eradicate in my semi-retirement, and will do again.
Best wishes to all of those in here who are worthy of them.
On, On, On.
PS: POTS this season is Class, by a country mile.

Agree18 Disagree0

05 Jan 2025 22:19:48
Good luck Bright…I posted a similar message this morning, but for whatever reason the Eds didn’t post it. Thanks for engagement and thoughtful posts, and that goes to the vast majority of folks who frequent here.

06 Jan 2025 00:54:30
I’m out as well three posters gone in one day!

Such a shame but I’m sure we will be back when sir farke gets us promoted and the so called leeds fans on this site will be choking on some humble pie

Marching on together lads see you in the summer!

06 Jan 2025 01:23:31
Sad loss if you go Brighty, I always read every one of your posts and each and every one of them was a joy to read. You my friend will be really missed, Dill disappeared, OP fed up, Berm gone the same way and now Ani, so I think I will call it a day as well. Take care lads, enjoy the season and let’s hope we go up. MOT ☹️☹️☹️☹️.

06 Jan 2025 06:00:46
Bright, you will be a sad loss to the more insightful and light hearted posters on here. I don’t enjoy it so much either as I used to, I feel it’s now been monopolized by a handful of posters who I believe are not on here to discuss Leeds United issues but only to fulfill their agenda with I told you so’s.

To their delight I’m sure I will be posting less frequently on here from now on.
It is becoming very tedious with too many repetitive and tbh very uninteresting boring debates.
Dill who was an intelligent interesting poster on here I’m sure left due to the unnecessary spiteful posts that dominate a lot of threads on here.

Deference of opinions is what makes interesting debates agenda filling and massaging inflated childish ego’s is not.
If this forum is only left with these individuals I won’t continue on here, it really won’t be worth it.
MOT sometimes.

06 Jan 2025 06:52:09
I hope I will wake up tomorrow to find this thread is a bad joke.

If not, I wish you guys all the best and hope that, after some time to refresh and recharge, we will see you back here in the not too distant future.

06 Jan 2025 07:59:34
Sorry to see you go Bright, Ani and Berm. Joining the long list of great posters that have left because of the same reason.

06 Jan 2025 09:43:50
That's really sad guys, we may not all agree with some of the things that are said, and sometimes grenades are thrown to cause a reaction, so I have learnt over the years to walk away when that happens. It's a real shame if you goand I hope you have a change of heart, as you contributions are as valid and important as everyone's.
I wish you well if you leave, but welcome you if you stay ?.

06 Jan 2025 10:20:12
Bright, Ani and Berm, i for one have to respect your decision to leave this site if that is how you feel, i honestly wish you would'nt leave but i can understand your frustrations at times, all the best to you guys.

06 Jan 2025 10:54:11
Oh Brighty what a rubbish start to the day, to read you’re leaving after 13 years! You're definitely one of my top three posters on this site of all time.

But it takes a strong person to openly admit when something is impacting upon them and then make proactive changes for the good of their mental health and wellbeing, above all why choose to do something you’re no longer enjoying.

Nobody knows anything about the personal challenges we all face outside of this site, but through yourself, and Alf I believe we have made positive progress on understanding the importance of mental health.

I took a short sabbatical after losing my dad last year when I realised I was being too reactive and not in the right place as I was raging against the universe at the time and I sincerely apologise if I was ever personal towards another poster during that time.

I truly wish all the posters who have said they believe leaving is the best step, nothing but good health and happiness.

Hopefully, following a break from the Site you will return as it is a far poorer site without your different contributions and we can only effect positive change from within.


06 Jan 2025 12:16:56
Guys that is very saddening to hear. Your posts are very valuable stitches in our embroidery and have been for a long time. I too have been on here for many years Bright as has Bermo and always enjoyed both your opinion and perspective, as I have yours Ani. I will miss you very much as I do Mad Mick and others that have left. I wish you nothing but the best and hope we engage again sometime. MOT UTWDTP be safe be well ?.

06 Jan 2025 12:22:54
Well, if all this is true, the only words I are shock and regrettably disappointment. I wll surely miss the balanced, forward looking posts from all of you. I regret your decisions but I understand that only you know what is the right thing to do. I am now disappointed that the backbiting doomsayers have won. I can only imagine this site if we all left and just watched what's left, attack each other. In the meantime, in whatever you do lads, be happy!

06 Jan 2025 13:11:02
It’s truly heart-wrenching to read this, and I completely understand where you’re all coming from. It’s incredibly sad to see people as valued and cherished as Bright, OP, Bermo, Ani and anyone else making a similar decision pushed to this point. You’ve been such an integral part of this community for so long —a constant source of insight, humour, and camaraderie— and it feels like losing not just contributors but true friends.

I fully empathise with your decisions to prioritise your peace and well-being, but it doesn’t make this any less of a loss. You’ve made a lasting impact here, and the absence of your voice will leave a void that’s hard to fill. Please know you’ll always be missed and remembered with the utmost respect and gratitude for all the years you’ve shared with us. Wishing you nothing but happiness and tranquillity in this new chapter, my friends.

If you want to and have an account please connect with me on FB - you can find me as Rob Mynett living in Otley. I am already connected with Bermo and DJ and would welcome staying in touch.

06 Jan 2025 13:30:49
Know I haven't been posting much the last few month but I do read from time to time now

It all sounds a bit drastic and over the top IMO

Without attaching a whole lot of unnecessary psychology to this, none of us know anything about each other on this site, none of us face each other, none of us converse on the real world, so hypothetically we are all just online interacting

What would happen in the real world workplace if you didn't get on with a workmate?

You would just ignore them and not reply to them whatsoever, you wouldn't leave your job

So why not just do that without leaving? who cares if someone calls me a clown or clueless or some silly name?

I certainly don't or never would and I certainly wouldn't be bringing my thoughts that I have here into my everyday life

This forum means nothing in the real world so treat it as such, don't be getting riled over silly rubbish on here

There's far far worse going on in world, and if you spoke to someone outside this forum about your perceived " online forum " difficulties I am fairly certain they would say, that's not a problem in reality

So in words of Yazoo

don't GO ?.

06 Jan 2025 14:36:30
So sorry to hear some posters are leaving, I have only been a member for a bit under 2 years but I have always tried to be respectful to all on here, if I have said anything wrong or come across wrong I have always apologised as the last thing I want is to upset or antagonise anyone on here.

I am truly sorry to see you leaving and I can only hope you will return in the future good luck and god's speedy to you all

06 Jan 2025 17:32:04
Chris Chris, the difference is that this isn’t a workplace. Quitting your job is drastic, so you have to find a way to cope.

As you say this is an online forum that doesn’t really matter in the “real world”, so why should people subject themselves to having to cope with the comments sent their way? It’s a lot easier to walk and get your LUFC fill somewhere without those people.

06 Jan 2025 18:40:05
All true because we all have freedom to do ultimately what we decide is best for us

But in reality Brock, you just have to take no heed to it

Again I say treat it like a snapshot of life

There's always going to be people that we clash with, for whatever reason

My point is, this really isn't that serious or ever going to escalate, so if it comes my way ( which it has ) I will never get bogged down by it,

Because 3 days time, whatever thread it was that grated on me, will be brushed under the carpet


07 Jan 2025 14:34:33
I think walking away from the site for a while can be a very good move! It’s actually not worth it when it starts to cause you grief. There is much more out there to enhance your life . if you enjoy it, stay, if it starts to be a negative go. The job of the EDs, very difficult too, is to try and keep the balance between banter and abuse and stop the site being dominated by one or two people if the result is that too many good contributors leave.

We are all supporting the same team and we need yo be tolerant of fellow supporters opinions, surely!



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