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05 Jan 2025 10:20:18
Fair enough Baz, good points made by you and Aus and I understand your opinion, I also understand why DF picks Meslier, he really doesn’t have many other options, damned if you do pick him damned if you don’t pick him! OP makes a good point about our no show in the first half and about the whole team are to blame for switching off, so yes it is easy to blame one person but i understand why we have because in essence Meslier let them back into the game!
We need a new found confidence at the back, we need a new keeper, also we missed Struik yesterday, his leadership at the back leaves us short when he’s missing ☹️.

Agree3 Disagree0

05 Jan 2025 11:01:37
Confidence, is huge in a team.

Clearly Illan will be at rock bottom confidence wise, you’re spot on with regard’s Struick too Woody, as much for his leadership and strength in the air it would have released Amps to better shield the midfield.

But in reality it was down to three very basic errors from our young keeper but I believe these are fundamental flaws young Illan has never rectified. The first goal no need to come out like that the second goal he could leave it alone, the third, just watch his footwork and positioning on the corner, he’s nowhere near making the punch is then miles out of position and again his first instinct is to save with his feet and not his hands.

The Leeds commentators said Rodon immediately said “what are you doing”? Before storming down the tunnel at the end. Now, if our own defence cannot trust our keeper confidence is only going to go one way.

Farke tried to boost Illans confidence by making him a one of his leadership team, you cannot fault the intent, but now Farke has to stand up and be a decisive leader as ever opponent will target our young keeper for obvious reasons.

Palmer from WBA or Pears from Blackburn get this team promoted, but after yesterday’s game Ilan is ranked 18th in goalkeeping in the Championship.

You cannot defend the indefensible.

05 Jan 2025 11:03:27
Yes Woody

We definitely missed the presence and aasuredness of PS in defence yesterday.

PS is definitely our best defender

Wayy prefer Ampadu in midfield not in central defence.

05 Jan 2025 11:03:36
Agree woody struijk was a huge miss.

I’m a big support or of mes but he has to go. Great keeper but the fans have turned against him and hemisphere head has gone. I think we need to sell and replace for a lesser but more reliable keeper like Neil Sullivan type.

Same with bamford fans against him and he needs to go. A lot of football is played in the head and confidence is a huge part. I think bam bam and nes will do well at new clubs.

Sadly mes is giving people like baz and aus a chance to make them right and delight in his poor form, but then form is temporary class is perminant.

05 Jan 2025 11:18:29
Top post Class.

05 Jan 2025 11:18:29
Top post Class.

05 Jan 2025 11:21:37
Yes Berma we do indeed need a " more reliable" gk

The penny has finally dropped for yer.

05 Jan 2025 12:56:57
Berm. Was waiting for you to show your face.
The said players and manager are crap.
For you to think any different says a lot about you. Not us.
Class is permanent is hilarious.
Get rid of all you mention and gel. I guarantee they will never be heard of again. Leeds was their defining moment and they all failed miserably.

05 Jan 2025 13:18:59
Aus, the manager is far far from crap! That’s just a summary statement too far beyond being a sweeping one!

05 Jan 2025 14:19:13
Berm ????.

05 Jan 2025 16:42:58
Aus baz and George

The fact you were waiting for my posts/ reviling in the current leeds situation etc or at least enjoying kicking a young man while he is down says everything about you as men and leeds fan

See you all later lads. I’ll be back end of season when we are promoted to rub it in some so called peoples faces

Good luck and all the best fellows and Ed’s.

05 Jan 2025 17:54:27
It does say everything about them Bermo; everything that has already been said in many different ways, thro many different and varied posts of theirs, and highlighted by many on this forum, time and time again.

It’s a damned shame that they choose to revel in the downfall of our own Keeper, and of a young man who must be in a very dark place right now, and use it to profess a knowledge of a game that, to date, they have only shown a total lack of knowledge, understanding and appreciation of.
#Shame #KeepitReal #Embarrasing.

05 Jan 2025 19:46:49
Well said bright it only takes a few to ruin it for all I’m logging off now see you all end of season when we are promoted

Life is too hard to have to choose to put up with people like that on a forum I’d rather leave

All the best all I wish you all a great 2025.

06 Jan 2025 10:13:19
To respond to Class’s post before dragged through the dirt by those two plonkers, I wanted to retort to your comment about Meslier running out to unsuccessfully on this occasion to the edge of the box to confront the Hull player, I’ve seen Meslier do this quite a few times in his time with us and has blocked the attackers advance. This is the first time I’ve seen him do this and concede a goal. In my opinion he has saved far more potential goals than not.

I don’t doubt the question that maybe his confidence is not in top form at this moment in time but I don’t accept that he is a rubbish keeper. You can’t sit on the top of the league with a rubbish keeper, that is surely undeniable.

By the way keepers and defenders are always arguing with each other, if they weren’t I’d be concerned.



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