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29 Sep 2024 03:01:33
Lots to ponder
Think next two games will tell the truth. They are both winnable.
Think Baz is right. No one is storming this league and from what I've seen thus far the opposition has all been average.
We should and possibly could cruise this season.
Lots of positives from last night. Loving large. Good goals. Great finishes then all. Pleased for Piroe. I'm sure he wants to start but believe he, like Solomon in future are last 25-30 players. Good play in general. Going forward we look frightening. Covs were visibly panicking every attack.
Negatives. got to be a few guys. Sorry.
Amps injury. Still far too many tip taps. Watched the city game and although it's possession football it's a lot quicker tip tap and a lot more angles.
If amps out Farke has got to decide ao or Gruev sitting deep. Last night it was ao from what I could see. Not sure that's the right way round.
Doing true grit international weekend and then bit of r and r on Lombok. Be nice to go 4 on the bounce.

Agree4 Disagree0

29 Sep 2024 05:05:39
Good post Aus.

29 Sep 2024 08:16:55
I keep reading that the side we are playing are average or something what are we then because we are finding things hard and we have not exactly find things easy. Win one-and we are winning the league. Lose one and we are relegated.

29 Sep 2024 13:31:07
Fair post Whitey pal.



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